Thursday, April 16, 2009

6. The World’s hardest riddle!!

Even the graduates of Stanford University were unable to solve this riddle. Think you have it in you? Test your brains out on this question.

5. Know your Maths.

This one is an easy addition problem, but still many people get this wrong. Test your ability at 1st grade mathematics.

4. A 42 Seconds Puzzle

Are you sharp enough to spot this puzzle? Don’t worry, if you are not, it just takes 42 seconds of your life.

3. Magic trick revealed.

Have you ever wondered what magic really is? One of the key asp

2. Some cool Optical illusions.

Optical illusions are images that display images which are away from reality. Are you sharp enough to stay in reality? Or are you easily perceived?

1. Who's playing tricks on your mind?

Your eyes flicker and they fool you or does your brain flicker and fool your eyes ?